Health Science Major
I chose Heidelberg because I liked the small school environment and loved the campus.
I majored in Health Science because my end goal is to become a nurse. I want to be able to help people and I enjoyed the challenge of the health science major.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was completing a few courses like chemistry and I handled it by continuing to work through the semester and going to extra study sessions.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to continue on with my education at Ursuline College.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Nu Sigma Alpha Corollary and Scrubs.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Scrubs because we got to meet with many people in the medical field and learn about their schooling and hear any advice that they had for tests and school.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Jena Suffel because she helped me throughout the years to stay on schedule with my classes and make sure that I was prepared to apply to Ursuline.
My advice to new freshman me would be try to figure out your 4-year plan early on. It will relieve a lot of stress.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is playing slip and slide kickball with Nu Sigma Alpha.
My plans after graduation are to attend a second degree accelerated nursing program at Ursuline College.