English Major
I chose Heidelberg because it felt like the best fit for me and I loved the campus.
I majored in English because I love reading and digging into books to find things.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was finding what I wanted to do and I handled it by switching majors and trying new things.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to explore who I am and define my passions and what I want out of life.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Greek Life and the Honors Program.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was the Sigs because they are some of my closest friends and family.
Faculty or staff mentors or advisors who impacted my ‘Berg experience are Dr. Barry Devine and Dr. Emily Isaacson because they've both pushed me to expand my horizons and encouraged me to find and do what I love.
My advice to new freshman me would be don't be afraid to switch majors earlier. Your friends will still be there for you even if you don't have all your classes with them.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is sitting in the Honors House at 3 a.m., writing a paper with my friend.
My plans after graduation are to take a gap year and then get my Ph.D. in English and teach at the college level.