Music Education Major
I chose Heidelberg because the music program was actively growing, changing, and providing new opportunities. This, together with the small class size and personal relationships I share with my professors, has given me the tools I need to succeed.
I majored in Music Education because I had influential experiences with my music teachers/band directors growing up, and I wanted to give those experiences to someone else, and inspire people to appreciate the musical arts.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was on multiple occasions as I developed as a member of Heidelberg's music composition studio, I have hit writer's block. During those moments of creative drought, I was able to turn to my classmates and professors and start intriguing conversations and utilize them as a resource to reinvigorate me to continue pursuing my craft in that way. Overall, I cannot overstate the impact of the community shared between students at that level.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to always be adapting and adjusting. I have gained the skills necessary to adapt and adjust my skillset to accommodate any challenge and overcome any obstacles in my path.
Outside of the classroom, I have been involved in the Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, OCMEA, and Tau Mu Sigma Music Honorary.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Marching Band because it was an opportunity for me to combine the music performance aspect with familiar/popular music for a lively and energized audience. The energy of that type of performance is unparalleled.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Greg Ramsdell. During my very first days at Heidelberg, he encouraged me to try something different (in that case, Concert Choir), and has always been a supporter and advocate for any and all new opportunities I have chosen to pursue during my time at Heidelberg.
My advice to new freshman me would be to take the leap. Pursue anything and everything you think you might be vaguely interested in. Get involved in groups or organizations that interest or intrigue you. In the event a particular involvement doesn't interest you, it is so much easier to scale things back than it is to add things in later.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is conducting "Sound of Silence" for the Marching Band as a part of our senior feature.
My plans after graduation are to teach for 3-5 years in a public school as a band director, then go back to school for a Master's Degree in the music field.