b'Reclaimingor findingtheir voiceBy: Angela GilesKaren (Rohrbach) Klepper, 93, believes she is on this Earth to figureBut the system didnt seem to want help, so Klepper devised an out ways to help childrenthose whom the system has failed andidea that would give power back to the children whowith guidance, those who dont have the ability to fight for themselves.support and mentoringjust may have untapped potential to change Through Reclaim It, a newly established inspired resale shop intheir own lives. She purchased a building on a handshake and the downtown Tiffin, children of all ages will have an avenue to find theirrenovations began. voice. The idea for Reclaim It stemmed from a conversation KlepperThe beauty of this is that theres no way you cant be a part of it if had four years ago with Tiffin businessman Bill Reineke, a former Bergyou want to be, Klepper said. Reclaim Its creative team is amazingly trustee and now a state representative, about the shortcomings of thetalented, giving and passionate, she added. Bringing kids on board has local workforce. been the key.Somehow, weve allowed something to happen to our children that is preventing them from being successful, Klepper said. Seated at a refurbished table inside Reclaim It, she explained how the unique retail and charitable organization got started.To get a pulse on the struggles many local families are facing, Klepper interviewed about 50 of them. Their storiestheir realitieswere heart-wrenching. She discovered a system that is not protecting children when they dont have anyone else to protect them.12|Heidelberg University Bulletin'