Davida Sosa Executive Assistant to the President, Advancement, Finance, Human Resources, and The Board of Trustees University Hall C122 (419) 448-2202 dsosa@heidelberg.edu
Cheryl Staib-Lewis Director of Advancement Services University Hall (419) 448-2027 cstaible@heidelberg.edu
Hunter Stidham Assistant Women's Basketball Coach Seiberling Gymnasium (419) 448-2535 hstidham@heidelberg.edu
Jena Suffel Clinical Education Coordinator Assistant Professor of Athletic Training and Health Sciences Clinical Athletic Trainer Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 217 (419) 448-2008 jsuffel@heidelberg.edu
Carole Thomas Director of Career and Military Services Beeghly Library (419) 448-2055 cthomas3@heidelberg.edu
Kayela Tidrick Instructor of Sport Management & Title IX Deputy Coordinator Saurwein Health & Wellness Center 218 (419) 448-2594 ktidrick@heidelberg.edu
Elizabeth Tracy Adjunct Instructor in Music Brenneman Music Hall 245 (419) 448-2259 etracy@heidelberg.edu
Brandon VanNess Assistant Professor of Chemistry Bareis Hall 114 (419) 448-2050 bvanness@heidelberg.edu
Christy VanWinkle Assistant Director of Financial Aid University Hall (419) 448-2294 cvanwink@heidelberg.edu
Stephen Velasquez Professor of Mathematics & Physics Bareis Hall 221 (419) 448-2352 svelasqu@heidelberg.edu
Stacy Wheeler Director of Print, Retail, and Parcel Campus Center (419) 448-2013 swheeler@heidelberg.edu
Douglas Woods Associate Professor of Accounting Adams Hall 304C (419) 448-2326 dwoods2@heidelberg.edu
Keygan Yonts Graduate Assistant for Esports Seiberling Gymnasium (567) 230-2007 kyonts@heidelberg.edu
Bob Youngblood Alumni Engagement-Admission Liaison University Hall 207 (419) 448-2033 byoungbl@heidelberg.edu